The New Covenant Fulfills the Old Covenant - Observations

•       Jesus, the Mediator of the New Covenant, fulfills not only the Old Covenant, but the entire Old Testament.

–        Matthew 5:17 - Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.

•         abolish = (Greek: kataluo) -  to dissolve, to destroy, demolish, deprive of success, bring to naught

•         the Law or the Prophets = A phrase that refers to the Old Testament in its entirety

•         fulfill = (Greek: pleroo) - to make full, to fill up, to complete, to fill to the top: so that nothing shall  be wanting, to make complete in every  particular, to bring to realization

•       Matthew uses the same Greek word (that is translated “fulfill”) in relation to Jesus at least 14 times (outside of Matthew 5:17). In each case, Matthew shows where Jesus or an event related to Jesus’ coming fulfills an Old Testament prophesy:

–        Matthew 1:22 –      Virgin Birth, Called Immanuel

–        Matthew 2:15 –      Called out of Egypt

–        Matthew 2:17 –      Mothers weeping over babies

–        Matthew 2:23 –      From Nazareth

–        Matthew 3:15 –        To “fulfill all righteousness”

–        Matthew  4:14 –     A great light

–        Matthew  8:17 –     Healing

–        Matthew  12:17 –   God’s Chosen Servant

–        Matthew  13:35 –   Spoke in Parables

–        Matthew  21:4 –     Riding on a donkey

–        Matthew  26:54 –   The events of His arrest

–        Matthew  26:56 –   The events of His arrest

–        Matthew  27:9 –     Betrayed by 30 pieces of silver

–        Matthew  27:35 –   Cast lots for His clothes


•        “The best interpretation of [Mat 5:17] says that Jesus fulfills the Law and the Prophets in that they point to Him, and He is their fulfillment.” (D. A. Carson commenting on Matthew 5:17 in The Expositor’s Bible Commentary, Volume 8, “Matthew”,  p.143)

•       Luke 24:44 – [Jesus] said to them, "This is what I told you while I was still with you: Everything must be fulfilled that is written about Me in the Law of Moses, the Prophets and the Psalms."

•       The Old Testament (Law and Prophets) Contained Many:

–        Specific Commands

–        Promises

–        Prophesies

–        Types and Shadows

•       Christ Fulfilled the Old Testament By His Entire Mission:

–        By What He Was

–        By What He Taught

–        By What He Did