Romans 3:21-31 – Review With Answers


•        Define “Justification”.

–        Justification is a legal verdict issued by God, the judge in which He pronounces the person in question free from sin or guilt and completely acceptable to Himself.


•        Define “Atonement”.

–        The word “atonement” means to turn away the wrath of God, to appease God by satisfying His righteous demand that sin be punished.


•        Define “Redemption”.

–        The word “redemption” was used in the Biblical world to denote “the act of buying a slave out of bondage in order to set him free.” Jesus Christ redeemed us (i.e. paid the price to set us free) from our bondage to sin with His own blood.


•        What does God’s justice demand that He do about sin, ultimately?

–        All sin must be punished by the outpouring of God’s wrath, resulting in death.


•        God’s justice demands that all sins be punished. This will happen in one of two ways. Name them.

–        In the unbelieving sinner’s body in hell throughout all of eternity or

–        In Christ’s body as He bore the sins of His people on the cross


•        How did God justify believing sinners in the Old Testament, since Christ had not yet died for their sins?

–        Old Testament believers were saved “on credit”: God left their sins unpunished until Christ came and died on their behalf, paying their debt.