Romans 4:18-25 - Outline and Summary


Paul uses Abraham’s faith to illustrate the kind of faith which brings justification to us today - to us who believe in God, who raised Jesus our Lord from the dead (Jesus who was delivered over for our sins and was raised to life for our justification).

(Romans 4:18-25)


        Romans 4:18-22 discusses the kind of faith which Abraham had, faith which resulted in his having righteousness credited to him.


       The object of Abraham’s faith was God’s promise to him that he would be given a vast number of offspring and thus would become the Father of many nations (Romans 4:18)


       The strength of Abraham’s faith is seen in that he still believed the promise when it was repeated to him (14 years later in Genesis 17, when he was 99 years old and still did not have any offspring). (Romans 4:19)


       Note the physical obstacles that existed:

         Abraham’s body was as good as dead

         Sarah’s womb was also dead (she was 89)


       The ground for Abraham’s faith was his persuasion that God had the power to do what He had promised (he believed that God could and would keep His word). (Romans 4:20-21)


       The result of Abraham’s faith was that “[his faith] was credited to him as righteousness.” (Romans 4:22)


         Romans 4:23-25 explains how the Old Testament account of Abraham’s faith being credited to him as righteousness applies to us today (i.e. to Christians who, like Abraham, have righteousness credited to them through believing in Jesus Christ - the crucified and risen Lord).


      The words [recorded in Genesis 15:6] “[faith] was credited to him [for righteousness]” were written not for [Abraham] alone,


      But also for us


      To whom God will credit righteousness-- for us who believe in [God] who raised Jesus our Lord from the dead [just as He gave life to Abraham’s body which was as good as dead, [verse 19].


      [The Lord Jesus Christ] was delivered over to death for our sins [to die in our place as a substitute] and was raised to life for our justification.