Romans 4:1-12 – Review With Answers

        Paul used two men of the Old Testament (both of whom were highly respected by the Jews) in Romans 4:1-12 to prove a point  he had made at the end of Romans 3. Who are the two men?

        Abraham and King David.


        What point was Paul using these two men to prove?

        That no man can be put in right standing with God by keeping the Law -  man is justified by faith alone.


        If a man could be justified before God for salvation by his own works (good deeds) would he have a right to brag or boast? Can anyone do this?

        Yes, someone who kept the Law perfectly would have the right to brag. But no one can do this.


        Paul goes on to prove in Romans 4:9-12 that justification by faith is not only for those believers who are circumcised (i.e. Jews) but also those believers who are Uncircumcised (Gentiles) Who does Paul use to prove this point? How does he prove this?

        Paul uses Abraham. He proves the point by showing that Abraham was credited with God’s righteousness BEFORE he was circumcised.