Romans 6: 1-23 – Review with Answers


•        When it says in Romans 6:2 “we who died to sin” - who all is included in the word “we”

–        Believers in Christ


•        In what sense have we “died to sin” (as the phrase is used in Romans 6:2)? Choose the correct answer(s):

–        When we die physically we will not sin any more.

–        We are dead to the influence or power of sin in our lives.

–        We are dead to the guilt of sin.

–        We are viewed by God as if we ourselves died in the death of Christ and have therefore suffered the full penalty of sin’s guilt.


•        When a Christian is immersed in water during baptism, what does his immersion symbolize (as referenced in Romans 6:3-4a)?

–        It symbolizes our identification with Christ in His death and burial.


•        What does Paul mean when he says, “We are not under law.” in Romans 6:15?

–        We are not required to meet the requirements of the Mosaic Law in order to be saved