Romans 6:1-23 - Those Who Are Made Right With God Are Obligated and Motivated to Obey God


Paul shows how unfounded is the objection that being justified by faith apart from personal merit leads one to live a life of sin. On the contrary, grace is the supreme motive for obedience and inevitably results in holy living. (Romans 6:1-23)


•        In every age there have been those who have denounced the doctrine of justification by faith on the ground that it logically leads to sin. The opponents ask:

–       If all the believer’s sins have already been paid for

–       If he has already been credited with perfect righteousness

–       If his good works will not help save him

–       If  all this is true (the opponents ask) then why worry about sin?

•        Paul himself was falsely accused of teaching such a doctrine:

–       Romans 3:8 - Why not say-- as we [Paul and those with him] are being slanderously reported as saying and as some claim that we say-- "Let us do evil that good may result"?


•        Romans 6 answers all such objections showing that the truly justified sinner will take no such attitude:

–       He will not sin that grace may abound (verse 1)

–       He will not sin because he is under grace and not under Law (verse 14)

•        On the contrary, the gospel method of salvation by grace leads to true obedience and inevitably results in good works!

•        But the justified sinner’s obedience results from love, not fear:

–       His good works are are performed out of gratitude for God’s free gift of salvation,

–       Not in the hope that these works will help save him!

•        Paul teaches in Romans 6, that justification by faith leads the believer, not to a life of sin, but a life of grateful obedience.


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